Sunday, 13 March 2011

Tri this...

For the past few years now my life has become led by the tides, the daily tidal cycle of highs and lows & the opportunities they offer; the lunar tidal cycles of springs and neaps (next blog will explain all) full and new moons and the annual cycles of the seasons. When you become more aware of the seasonal changes around you, you become those changes and seasons. You learn to take the highs with the lows, the ups with the downs because it is just part of the smaller and larger cycles of life.

In Winter life is slow the veggie patch lies dormant, the chucks keep turning the soil for us - so we might forgive them for the lack of eggs (!), there is little we can do to encourage growth we just path the way for the warmer months and wait for the next season enjoying the calm, the peace and the long dark evenings (until about February!). When March hits it often feels like a frustrating time when you're ready to burst out and recommence a new season of growth but the temperatures and day length isn't quite on your wavelength have to wait some more. There are tantalising glimpses of Spring and we eagerly anticipate the time to plant the tatties, onions & broad beans.

I have to admit I do hibernate a bit in the Winter, I like to find a little nest (preferably filled with sheepskin) and curl up for a few months, rearing my head on the sunny days or to reach out for a new book and to snuggle down with the family.

But it IS SPRING! Honestly, it is. Today was beach clean on a  glorious sunny day we cooked sausages (locally reared naturally!) on a driftwood fire and I went for an early morning coastal path run. My friend came along with me who is a harsh but brilliant "coach" there's no giving up with her...we run along the coast and she allows a very brief stop on the beach before the return up the coast path, stop at the bench over looking the sea for some press ups & dips..ugh.. for a final 300m sprint at the end...exhilarating but painful in a promising way.

So, I have signed up for my second triathlon. As a lover of the sea it seems only right to make the most of the coastal location and the warmer seasons - running the coast path, swimming in the sea and cycling wherever long, narrow and quite frankly cycle unfriendly Devonshire lanes will take me. As gruelling as it is and demanding of your time to train up it is just so lovely to feel yourself growing stronger as the sun's rays get warmer. When September hits and the Surf triathlon is complete - no doubt I will vow to keep up the training but chances are that I will snuggle down again to enjoy the quieter, cooler seasons and eat cake! :)
Incidentally, in 2009 when I did this tri I won a prize of a holiday in Cornwall as a wooden spoon for coming (proudly) last. I am hoping not to do better :).

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