Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Wear Blue, Tell Two on June 8th

Wear Blue Tell TwoJune 8th is World Ocean Day. This is a day to reflect on all that is marine and be thankful for all that the ocean offers. It's also an opportunity to look like a smurf or just wear a stylish HRH Kate Middleton-esque blue frock...whatever rocks your boat on World Ocean Day.

The key to the "wear blue, tell two" is to spread the word that is "ocean". There are so many things that we owe to the sea and so many reasons why we have to protect it. As well as being the source of all life - it's enchanting, it's a source of minerals & our climate and much of our global protein. I am pretty obsessed with the sea - it provides me with everything I need in life and more. It may seem like another world but you are in contact with the seas and oceans with every life giving breath you take.

Here's a few facts for you:
  1. Over 70% of global atmospheric oxygen is produced by plankton - the phytoplankton.
  2. Plankton is the primary source of life in our oceans.
  3. Plankton created the White Cliffs of Dover.
  4. As plankton decomposes over time and pressure it creates oil (to it's own demise)
  5. The ocean absorbs Carbon dioxide as well as produces Oxygen
  6. If we lose saltmarshes, seagrass beds we reduce the potential for absorption of CO2
  7. c. 71% of the Earth's surface is ocean
  8. The deepest part of the ocean is the Mariana Trench at c. 11km deep
  9. The Gulf Stream flows 300x faster than the Amazon
  10. c.90% of oceanic life occurs in the first 10m - the photic zone (where sunlight can penetrate easily)
  11. The Blue Whale is larger than any known dinosaur with a heart the size of a car
  12. Fish is the main source of global protein - the only source for many island communities
  13. c. 80% of people live within 60km of the coast
  14. Plastic kills! There are few species exempt from the impact of plastic - up to 1 million sea birds & 100,000 sea mammals.
  15. Barnacles have the largest penis relative to body size in the Animal Kingdom
  16. Once the barnacle has made use of his penis - it falls off.
  17. Crabs moult their shells
  18. Sharks and rays lay eggs called "mermaid's purses" - some are spiral shaped - ouch!! (Horned Shark)
  19. Dog whelks drill holes in to mussels to eat their flesh..
  20. Starfish can lose their arms and regenerate them!
That will do for now as a sample - I've left a variety to choose from - friendly for young, old or twisted. Or look up your own - find some great facts and leave them in the comments. If you wear blue & tell two - take a photo & tweet me! I'd love to see & hear your fishy tales! Spread the word...

1 comment:

  1. No. 21 from @chiffchat Sea Squirts aka "Sea Pork" and Tunicates have green blood due to extraordinarily high levels of Vanadium.
