Monday, 17 September 2012

Part 2. The Great River Race. Row, row, row your boat as hard as you can down the Thames while firing water pistol at competitors.

As previously mentioned in an earlier blog myself and 5 friends- the Sea Girls headed up to London after my jaunt in Padstow to row 21 miles up the Thames. We were doing this to raise money for Sea-Changers and because we love any excuse to row. Still time to sponsor here!

It was a hot, sunny day in London with 300+ boats of various shape and form jostling for space on the staggered start line. The crowds gathered on bridges, boats and on the riverside to create an amazing atmosphere! It was tonnes of fun and fantastic to raise some money for Sea-Changers....I'll let the pictures tell the story! Sadly no photos of the faces of the competitors we "shot" with our water gun - some happier than others! Looking at the results we came a very respectable 4th in the Seine boats in a time of 3hours 26 mins.

Bus left at 6.15am

Things quickly spiraled post race! :)

Flying the Flag for Devon!

1 comment:

  1. I was scrolling down and was feeling myself at your place. The guys are looking so great with boating race. I loved all the pictures and must say it's one kind of great photography I am feeling from this post. Best of Luck for Racer!

    Shirley@ River thames canal boat hire
